I'm Gene Bathurst, writer and bloviator, and this blog is about my sad devotion to a plethora of sci-fi franchises. That hasn't helped me conjure the stolen data tapes, so I'll probably just order them from Amazon. Check out Magnum Thrax and the Amusement Park of Doom, a post-apocalyptic sci-fi fantasy adventure where our highest aspirations are fatally undermined by our base nature. It's a satire.
Sunday, December 31, 2023
XV-404 Moon Crawler
Saturday, December 30, 2023
Jungle Rangers
A jungle ranger in the Amazon pauses to rest during a search for survivors of a crashed rocket dirigible. Unscrupulous rescuers would sometimes soak desperate lost billiars for hundreds of millions of credits. Turnabout, as they say… Note the long sensor feelers and detector drone, equipment that became common with dense jungle explorers.
Friday, December 29, 2023
Lunar technicians at work
Technicians on Io repair one of the thousands of detection stations set up all over the moon. Used to monitor atmosphere, seismic activity, airspace incursions, and weather, the harsh conditions caused frequent breakdowns, despite multiple redundant systems and healtech. Superstitious astronauts posited that the gremios, imaginary little gremlin people of Io, were infiltrating the machinery and causing service disruptions.
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Tax collectors in post-apocalypse Amazon Empire
An Imperial Amazonian tax collection dirigible hit by a rebel RPG billows smoke. Rebels would often place thermal bombs under the landing field, and set them off with proximity fuses when tax collectors came calling. The chemical mortars aboard the dirigible proved ineffective against small and widely dispersed rebel forces.
Warfare was conducted increasingly by remote drones, which led to an escalation in electronic warfare until supplies ran out.
View from the moons of Jupiter
Explorer and adventurer Philipe Samsa atop the Argelus Crest, looking out over the lifeless plain that would one day be verdant farm land.
Samsa would even live to see it.
Friday, December 1, 2023
The Telepate Temples
The Baga Shoe Temple in Zone Seven of the NJ-underworld was the most splendid of the Telepate sanctuaries, but it’s shoe collection made it the constant target of attack by collectors and foot fetishists.